Artikkelen er publisert i
Mélanges 22/95, Spécial Centre de Ressources. 169-193. Nancy: Centre de Recherches et d'Applications Pédagogiques en Langues, ISSN: 0077-2712.
In this article, the author presents the self-directed learning scheme she has implemented in her French language classroom in Norway. She finds that choosing a self-directed approach has allowed her both to follow the objectives of the Norwegian national curriculum, and to answer some of her own queries about helping all pupils to become better learners. She describes how she has modified her classroom in order to allow for small-group or individual work, how she has made language material available to her pupils, and how she has organized the working time in "learning to learn phases" in which pupils reflect on their learning behaviours, and "French learning phases" where she acts as a counsellor.
In her conclusion, she shows that her pupils, trained in learning competence as much as in linguistic competence, fare better in French when they proceed to their upper secondary classes.
Version complète et imprimable :
Artikkelen ble oversatt til norsk etter en forespørsel fra svenske tysk-, fransk- og engelsklærere og kom ut i I Språk & språkundervisning 3/96. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget sammen år med tittelen Selvstyrt fransklæring med bruk av ressurssenter i ungdomsskolen.